[Reviews - 387] starhalf-starPrinter

Summary: Various holidays, and couples find ways to celebrate. Sonadow,Knails. Some rape and violence.
Rating: PG - Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Sex
Challenge: None
Series: Sonadow story challenge
Chapter: 9 Completed: Yes
Words: 44153 Read: 98691
Published: March 02, 2006 Updated: October 27, 2007

1. Anniversary Day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 274] starstar (5172 words)

2. Engagement Day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (9223 words)

3. Wedding Day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 3] (3764 words)

4. Holiday by Madamdragon [Reviews - 16] starstarhalf-star (4141 words)

5. An off day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 4] (2803 words)

6. Mayday by Madamdragon [Reviews - 4] (5917 words)

7. Start of a new day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 5] starstarstar (5169 words)

8. V-day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 47] (4778 words)
Okay, this was supposed to be out by Valentine's day but as you can see I barley got it out...Beta needed. But n e ways, here it is finally. Hope ya'll enjoy!
Sonadow, Knails, MPreg.
9. Last Day by Madamdragon [Reviews - 26] half-star (3186 words)
I dont own n e thing but Chaos and Hoshi! Their my characters!...Also explinations of The Birds and the bees!

I want to thank all the people who reviewed!

Nightshade- I had no clue what to name them. I just came up with the names in like 2 mins.

KingdomKid05- Thanx for reading! I hope you read it all again and let me know!

Russtassle- You stayed with meh like you promised! U rule!

ShadowRockStar- You my girl! Thanks for helping me with this update!

Kashito91- Here is the last update like I promised. As soon as I saw your review I 'Got 'er gone!' And hauled buns! Thanks to you. I kicked it into high gear!

Thank you all for reviewing! Now I know this is the last chappie. But I might do a new series on the kids! I want to but I really dont have n e ideas for it yet! So n e ideas or tips you all have would be greatly appreciated!

Ok here we go! Enjoy!

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

Sonadow Online