Summary: vampires! beware! Rating: G - Clean Category:Sonadow Characters:Sonic x Shadow Genres: Adventure Warnings: None Challenge: None Series: None Chapter: 19 Completed: Yes Words: 17769 Read: 146731 Published: May 29, 2006 Updated: December 01, 2006
1. Chapter 1 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 190] (634 words)
This is something that came out of boredome. This is in the future (obviously) Shadow never existed in the past yet. or so he thought. Shyrie is Knuckles and Rouges boy. @_@ I no 2. Chapter 2 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 2] (627 words)
15. Chapter 15 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 8] (1142 words)
Wee.. Alright.. uh.. I have no idea what to put in the next chapter, so suggestions would be great.. If you can, give me a plot to get Shadow to remember his past and whoever's idea i like better get's a prize!! 16. Chapter 16 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 2] (1210 words)
Short as all hell, but it's decriptive..
__________________________________________________________________________ 17. Chapter 17 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 6] (597 words)
it would be longer.. but yea..
________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Chapter 18 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 15] (702 words)
I'M ALIVE!!!!!! There is only one or two more chappies.. ^ ^
and Jo is probably going to kill me.. -.-''''
~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~ 19. Chapter 19 by sonadowluver93 [Reviews - 9] (439 words)
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