[Reviews - 103] Printer

Summary: Sonic's in terrible pain ever since Sally died. Can one unlikely hedgie pull our hero back where his friends can't? And who's this Orpheus guy? Completed. Expect rewriting someday.
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood, Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 16 Completed: Yes
Words: 17913 Read: 156485
Published: January 18, 2007 Updated: March 31, 2007

1. A Note by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 29] (365 words)
weee. A sonadow. Story based off of a play on Broadway called Aida. There' s a song called Easy as Life.
2. Rise of the Ring by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 5] (297 words)
...............................Heh, there's a spark of sonadow! Yeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm sooo happy. Tiny spark, sure. But you need a spark to make a flicker to start a flame! Hoot! Owls rock!............^^' Sorry 'bout that. Though I am on a role. go me! As you can see, I obviously like Lifehouse a lot. Oh! Me don't own Sonic or Shadow or SATAM people, or Fleetway people....*sigh* SEGA owns most, so doesn't Dic and Archie, and Egmont Fleetway owns the Fleetway characters. (Johnny Lighhtfoot, we salute you!)
3. Orpheus by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 2] (717 words)
After Shadow telling me I needed to make longer chapters, this one's sort of...long...First though, I'll do my math. Then I'll write this story. Essentially Erratic, I'm thankful that you reviewed. More than being the first reviewer, thanks for encouraging me. Okay, now for MATH. Then STORY...What'll happen? Who knows? I don't. That's for sure. Don't worry though, something's gonna happen in the next few chapters. ^^
4. Thoughts by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (1100 words)
...*yawn* I should have gotten more sleep last night. Now I beg of you: Will someone PLEASE update?! Like, soon?! I know, short. And I know, boring. It's just a drabble about how many times Sally has broken Sonic's heart in Shadow's POV....Yes, I know this story is stupid!...Sorry, cranky. Ugh....I don't hate Sally Acorn, just how Archie presents her (with Shadow). *shudders* No way. Seriously, how does Sonic still love her?
5. Black Ventures to Knothole by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (881 words)
...Well I had my fun with the winding, goofy plot and all....Now this is for you folks. A REAL PLOT!!!! There Shadow. Happy? I hope you are. I WANT PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY! Anyways, dedicated to Nightshade for the AWESOME reviews...and an idea for the this chapter. Don't ask me how, my mind works in strange ways...Hoot!
6. Trying to Reach Out by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 6] (935 words)
......This was typed from the manuscript I scribbled down in school. And the school system made a fool out of Takashi once again. My A- in math turned into a B+ in four minutes. 90.? to an 88 or...I think 89. I know, you're probably tapping your foot like Sonic here, waiting for the show. Well, the sequel will be rated R and called Heaven's Rejects, which is in the makings at this very moment. In fact, I've wasted most of my valuable thinking time in algebra on it and this. >> I hope you feel special now.
7. Trouble on the Way by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (1013 words)
...Author's notes will now be moved down on the story page. () means dream. Yes the dream is sketchy! Heck, aren't YOUR memories of nightmares sketchy?! Thank you for wasting your sweet time everyone. Oh yes, I asn't allowed to upload the entire fic apparently,and had to erase a good portion of it.... Sorry, folks...
8. Black Cat Crossing by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (1422 words)
...Peh....If you want me to update, you'll have to give me a REAL nice a review....or a cookie......or an XBOX 360.....Yeah.......If you do, I'll tell you the planned chapters to come......Uh, huh......I'm going to write this chapter and go goof off. See ya. Johnny Lightfoot belongs to Fleetway along with Tekno the canary.
9. More Trouble...> by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 9] (1078 words)
...I'm tired. *sigh* I thought it was time I updated, like my morals (whatever scraps left from my torn dignity) say. NO STORY IS LEFT BEHIND! Heh.^^ I'm creating the story board of Heaven's Rejects as we speak. (It has songs in it!)Oh! And before the chapter is another adventure chronicling my difficulties writing this chapter.
10. Orpheus Gains Command by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 2] (1234 words)
YEES! I have succeeded in escaping from practice in OKLAHOMA!! It's a miracle. *hugs you* HOOT! So, how was your day, folks? My sucked. The science teacher yelled at me because I said I didn't have time to complete the assignment. Aw well......Huh, yes....uh, that's cool. I really don't know what to say except, SPEAK LOUDER, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! Ha. School's a donkey's butt, and I know I didn't write a much....Sorry...Oh, and Shadow and Sonic went to the woods, away from Knothole. Sorry for the sudden events....Yes, I know it sucks....And that it has nothing to do with the chapter before. I SUCK, got it? Flame away, folks, flame away.
11. The Truth Hurts by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (1108 words)
...And so doesn't this chapter.
12. Something Special by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 11] (2011 words)
...Finally, sonadow. Yes, everyone, this is the moment. This is the moment most have been waiting for. (I dreaded it. I am SO bad at romance.) Yes, I know it's bad. But Orpheus goes public! Heh, ha! I shirked on my wording and editing, so you'll find a lot of run on sentences... Sorry for the stupid humor/romance genre. I know, it isn't funny...more to amuse myself than you. If it amuses you, may a holy light shine down from heaven upon you, because you, sir, are a saint. (or ma'am)
13. Unbreakable Bond by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 7] (1321 words)
Jeez, my attempt at romance, listening to sappy songs.... Soap opera moment! Here you are, fangirls! XD (no offense) WARNING: Black doesn't know the meaning of yaoi. Poor Orph....and sorry for shortness.
14. Rage by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (1569 words)

15. Orpheus' Demise by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 1] (1938 words)

16. Stargazer by Takashi the hedgehog [Reviews - 4] (924 words)

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