[Reviews - 73] half-starPrinter

Summary: It has been sveral years since the worlds of Mobius and Earth combined and Sonic and Shadow have disappeared. People have been searching for the two without any luck. Until one day a piece of evidence was found that could lead this mystery to a close. This was Sonic's Diary.

The case itself was shocking for it wasn't a case much at all. The situation as it turned to be a hit and run as Shadow now faced the hardest challenge of his life...Stop the Mobian Government and help Sonic into motherhood. Past Featured Story
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure
Warnings: Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 10 Completed: Yes
Words: 13078 Read: 250433
Published: January 14, 2008 Updated: January 28, 2008

1. Chapter 1 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 13] starhalf-star (1250 words)
I'm the person who likes writng cute and romance type stories. But I decided to take a new approach as I'm trying to be serious about something. Of course, I believe this is not fitting me so well...Oh that's for you all to decide!

2. Chapter 2 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 5] (972 words)
Next chapter! It seems some of you like it and so I'll continue. Right now I'm in school typing...Oooooo I'm so bad. By the way, some sexual conduct but it is only small and verbal...

3. Chapter 3 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 6] (1365 words)
I was up most of the night writing this! I guess I'm dedicated enough to pull theses stupid stunts. Any who, I'm gonna possibly attempt to go to sleep for I have school later tonight! Night all.
4. Chapter 4 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 2] (857 words)
In school again and writting before 12:15am for World Religions. I say I did very well for timing if it's short I'm sorry but oh well, just deal with it for now.

5. Chapter 5 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 4] (1050 words)
Long night for me on this one, sorry I haven't posted anything. I was just busy and still am I have to work on a art homework assignment so I'll just post and leave you to read.
6. Chapter 6 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 1] (1380 words)
... No comment
7. Chapter 7 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 6] (1004 words)
... sorry if it's short!
8. Chapter 8 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 1] (2120 words)
Okay at this point have no idea if it will remain a mystery type story...My best guess would be that it turned into something like a dream adventure type thing.

Anywho, thanks for all the comments that is keeping me to this story and only writing this one. Here's the nest chapter.

9. Chapter 9 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 29] starhalf-star (1967 words)
I wrote my first paper in Communications and got it back with an "A-" but I like to thank you all for helping me get better for I might pass this class after all... WARNING: MPREG LABOR ALERT.


10. Chapter 10 by Kailartemis [Reviews - 6] (1113 words)


Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

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