Summary: Sonic is a singer and Shadow is an artist. When the two met, things of this tale unfolds...not stating anymore than that. So you have to read and find out.
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Romance/FluffWarnings: Nudity,
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 10
Completed: No
Words: 9379
Read: 129485
Published: February 05, 2008
Updated: October 11, 2008
1. Chapter 1 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
18] (679 words)
I just had to throw this idea out to the world. If you somewhat like it, then please tell me to continue. By the way all song lyrics were written by me. SO no one steal my songs!
2. Chapter 2 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
1] (713 words)
Another one done in a matter of minutes. Wow, I never knew something like this occured in my anyways, enjoy.
3. Chapter 3 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
21] (704 words)
...I've finally have lost it...
4. Chapter 4 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
7] (1211 words)
Oh heck with it I'm going to post the rest of this story in my file...
5. Chapter 5 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
2] (714 words)
Another chapter to add to my insanity...
6. Chapter 6 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
3] (712 words)
If your wondering why all these chapters are being posted, let's just say I was up last night writing this because I couldn't fall asleep...dreams inspired me to do this one.
7. Chapter 7 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
1] (1085 words)
Sorry for the long delay...I was busy with my school life and totally forgot to post this up when I had it sitting in my folder on my flash-drive...
8. Chapter 8 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
1] (1157 words)
GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This computer is causing problems so I have to make this quick. Anyways, I edited this as the best I could before I booted off...enjoy!
9. Chapter 9 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
7] (1011 words)
Sorry for the long is part 9
10. Chapter 10 by
Kailartemis [
Reviews -
0] (1393 words)
Sorry if my life was bothered in the process of writing this fan-fiction along with the many others I'm writing at once. However, I have to say this was a very fun chapter to write and hopefull I can write the next without trouble.