
Stories by Kailartemis [8]
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Reviews by Kailartemis

Title: Born from darkness, loved by light by dyingsoul36
Rated: R - Heavily Suggestive [Reviews - 80]
Summary: Past Featured Story Shadow had given up all hope, after surviving for so long now to die a agonizing death. But then a miracle occured with the reappearence of his angel and now he finds himself in a new world...and a new sonic
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic
Genres: Adventure
Warnings: Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 | Completed: No | Word count: 94889 | Read count: 7686

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Published: July 28, 2004 | Updated: August 22, 2004

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: March 31, 2008 Title: Chapter 7: the guardian part 2

Is there a reason why in every chapter you have to state how many words you wrote in each one? Just a curious question.

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: March 31, 2008 Title: Chapter 9: a rescue?

...Are you going to continue this...I mean you left everyone in a cliffy and we are not sure what is going to happen with Shadow...

Title: Boku no kage by Icestar
Rated: G - Clean star [Reviews - 119]
Summary: After ARK, Shadow is found at Iron Gate. Sonic rescues him from GUN.
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic, Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 | Completed: No | Word count: 17156 | Read count: 374382

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Published: January 06, 2005 | Updated: July 11, 2005

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: March 14, 2008 Title: Chapter 5: Jinmon

good story...Shadow is sort of funny

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: March 14, 2008 Title: Chapter 10: Sonic ni tsuite iku

GUN is down right funny...I'd do the same thing Sonic did if they bothered me in that mannar...nice story.

Title: Fast Feet by shadowguy123
Rated: NC17 - Adult half-star [Reviews - 272]
Summary: Sonic and Shadow had vivid dreams about each other. Yet, they are in denial. Read on to find out their true feelings and their wierd fetishes.
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic, Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Romance/Fluff, Fetish
Warnings: Swearing, Nudity, Sex
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 9347 | Read count: 14509

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Published: February 26, 2005 | Updated: May 16, 2005

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: September 14, 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Fast Feet

Okay first off, this chapter is very sickening and poorly done. One part of my mind tries to focus on one part, but shoots all too fast for the imagination to keep up.

This chapter needs to have some work done. Moving something too fast is bad.

Title: Sonadow, pure sonadow. by Anna the hedgehog
Rated: NC17 - Adult starstar [Reviews - 25]
Summary: this story will be pure sonadow. no fancy plots of anything, though i may put in some but basicly this is a (PWP) "Plot? What Plot?"
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sex
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 1581 | Read count: 2271

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Published: October 21, 2005 | Updated: October 27, 2005

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: January 21, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: chapter 1

wonderful wonderful I clap for you and this story is awsome! Great idea and it is not even plotted haha! keep writing you have my interest.

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: January 21, 2008 Title: Chapter 2: chapter 2 : the virus.

that was funny and it was a good type of funny please continue this I would like to see the end.

Title: A Taste of the Purest Evil by Necros
Rated: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive half-star [Reviews - 89]
Summary: Following the defeat of the Black Arms, everyone just wants to get their lives back to normal. Unfortunately, there are old grudges to be settled and new plans are put into action. Everyone seems to be hiding their true intentions. New threats sprout up all over the place. Suddenly the war against the Black Arms seems like a happy memory. At least Sonic and co. knew who was on who's side. Now they can't trust anyone.

Genres and warnings are meant for the entire, completed story. It starts out G then gets rather gory as you progress. *smirk*
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood, Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 | Completed: No | Word count: 34914 | Read count: 114470

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Published: March 06, 2006 | Updated: November 13, 2007

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: January 18, 2008 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Shadow

OMG! This is so good, I love Emily, she's thinks as bad as me...well the images I mean lol Please post more soon!!!!!!!

Author's Response: oh, people are still reading this one? Maybe I should update it...heh heh...

Title: Battle for Blood by Gaz san
Rated: PG - Suggestive half-star [Reviews - 65]
Summary: Sonic is a vampire out on the hunt when he bumps into his old friend Shadow, and old feelings resurface.
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Angst, Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 11469 | Read count: 68145

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Published: April 08, 2006 | Updated: May 13, 2006

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: January 23, 2008 Title: Chapter 6: Peace never lasts

this is a very strange story but still mushy in a sickening way...not bad actually.

Title: A Christmas Tale by Gaz san
Rated: PG - Suggestive starhalf-star [Reviews - 944]
Summary: Its Christmas and Sonic decides to invite the teams over for a party!
Shadow's P.O.V.
Set after Sonic Heroes
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3220 | Read count: 7363

[Report This]
Published: April 21, 2006 | Updated: April 21, 2006

Reviewer: Kailartemis Signed
Date: January 02, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

that was so cute... and great mini story I was able to image the whole thing in my mind...

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

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