
Series by ForceToBeRecondWith [0]
Reviews by ForceToBeRecondWith [74]
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Stories by ForceToBeRecondWith

Title: Caring For You by ForceToBeRecondWith
Rated: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 51]
Summary: Sonic and Shadow fight the Finalhazard to save Earth but Shadow does not survive. Unwilling to accept his death so easily, Sonic searches for the Ultimate Lifeform, convinced that he survived and refusing to abandon him.
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 3731 | Read count: 8168

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Published: June 24, 2016 | Updated: August 20, 2016

Title: Shadoniphilies one-shot by ForceToBeRecondWith
Rated: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive starstarstarstar [Reviews - 25]

Shadow and Mephilies fight for Sonic's love and slowly tare him apart.

Category: Sonadow
Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Blood
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1842 | Read count: 2781

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Published: March 31, 2015 | Updated: March 31, 2015

Title: Sonadow by ForceToBeRecondWith
Rated: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive starstar [Reviews - 42]

Sonic and Dr. Eggman get in to a huge fight and Sonic ends up losing his memory! what will happen when Sonic is taken in by his worst enemy and dosent even know it?

Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 6142 | Read count: 42837

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Published: March 31, 2015 | Updated: March 16, 2017

Title: Sonadow Hypnotizm by ForceToBeRecondWith
Rated: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive starstarstarstar [Reviews - 109]
Summary: Amy loves Sonic sooooo much, that she is willing to use hypnosis on him! What will befall our blue hero? I got the general idea from a sasunaru comic but I don't know who did it, however obviously the story is mine! The story is mine!!! lol
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 9676 | Read count: 54084

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Published: March 31, 2015 | Updated: January 02, 2016

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

Sonadow Online