Epargné du Cirque by Yami Kaiyoh
Summary: In a time where humans openly take mobians and use them as pets and other rather degrading actions, there are few who will stand up for them. He was one of them. But, when a particular case goes awry, he's given six weeks to help a mobian he 'saved'. Can he do it before the government takes him to be put down?

For those interested, the title means 'Saved from the Circus'

Categories: Sonadow Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Abuse/Rape, Swearing
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 11933 Read: 53283 Published: January 15, 2008 Updated: May 07, 2016
Saving Him by Yami Kaiyoh
Author's Notes:
Lectori Salutem! Sorry this took so long. Sometimes I hate win98... the stupid thing has a tendency to freeze when I save every now and then so I lost a portion of this chapter and had to redo it. Thankfully, I've learned to back up my documents every week so the loss wasn't too terrible.

Give some love to Yuna Kai Wolf- she gave my plotbunny a good kick in the rear to get it to finish the last two parts.

Hopefully, the next update won't take so long.

Read, review and enjoy, dear readers!
It was very early the next day when Sonic was awakened by rapping on his bedpost. It had become a rarity for him to sleep at his 'home' at night, instead choosing to overnight himself in the bunks the office had for just such occasions.

The redheaded human looked down at him. "Hey, get up blue boy. Chief wants to see you."

Emerald eyes opened and the hedgehog stretched and yawned a bit, just to tick the other off.

Blue eyes narrowed and the human jerked the blanket off the bed, taking Sonic with it onto the floor. The hedgehog yelped as he landed and hopped to his feet. "What was THAT for, Sam?"

"What do you think? Chief wants to see you in ten minutes. Be in full gear and ready to move out."

With that, the human turned on heel and left.

Sonic grumbled and began knocking around the large room, glad that no one else was in there with him. He was free to grumble about the human without being heard.

It was obvious to anyone that worked there that Sam and Sonic didn't get along very well. If they weren't butting heads, they were challenging each other, whither it was to get through with a shower first, be the first to finish lunch or even who snored the loudest. It was comical at the best of times times, but most of the time it was little more than trying. Especially when they went into arguments or challenges in the middle of a mission.

He took a quick shower, making sure to scrub his quills throughly to encourage the old, blunted quills to come out and the newer, sharper ones to grow in. Even though it had been three years, he still had a majority of the quills the people that had 'tamed' him had blunted so he was practically harmless.

A bullet-proof vest was tossed around his shoulders and quickly buckled into place before he slipped on his brown jacket. A bagel was crammed into his mouth and he hurried off down the hall. He was still slightly damp but at the temperature the Chief kept his office at, he would be dry in a matter of minutes.

The 'Chief' (as everyone called him) was actually a mobian himself. No one wanted to mess with him because not only was he as tall as most of the humans that worked there, he could readily take a bite out of them. First glance was that he was a street thug with the combat boots he wore and the gold chain and tell-tale electric blue headphones he had around his neck. But no one ever called him that to his face. After all, no one wanted to tango with a crocodile.

He gave Sonic a dry look as he came to a stop at the end of the line. "Glad you decided to join us, Hedgehog."

Sonic gave a simpering grin and saluted. "Sorry, I kinda slept in."

"Well the next time you 'kinda sleep in' your paycheck's gonna be significantly shorter."

"Aww Cap! You can't do that! You're already paying me peanuts!"

"You're lucky I pay you at all." the croc growled and moved back to speak to them all. "This is a standard rescue mission, guys. We go in, serve the warrant, and take the mobian. If there's resistance, do not use lethal force."

He glanced at Sam, who was fingering his gun. "That goes double for you, Speed. "

The human snorted. "You REALLY think I'd do that?"

The croc turned and paced up the line as he spoke. "We'll split into two groups. Hedgehog. "

Sonic stood straighter, saluting and trying to look like he hadn't been napping in the middle of Chief's speech.

"You're going to be the leader of Group R and go with Topaz and the new kid." Chief gave Sonic a glare when he opened his mouth to object. "Speed, you'll be with me, serving the warrant. "

"But Chief!"

"Speed." Chief warned. "Last time you were on a rescue you argued so bad with the others on your team that we lost the chance to save them. I will NOT let that happen again. "

The red head gulped and he turned his gaze to the floor. "Y-yes. . . sir. . . "

"Alright then. Lets move out! "


The blue hedgehog sighed as he raced behind the police cruiser, motorcycle and transport wagon. It had been a while since he had been on a rescue mission and he was glad his boss felt that he was finally ready to go out there again.

But it puzzled him a bit. Why was Cap putting him on the rescue team? Was it because the way he flipped out last time at the owner?

Ah, well it really wasn't a time to think about it. As far as he was concerned, he'd do as Cap said.

After he ran off his excess energy.

The motorcycle cruising right in front of him popped a wheelie and move ahead of the two vehicles in front of it. Blue ears could only just pick out the cussing that came from the police car and he laughed. This always happened when they allowed Speed to ride his bike. . .

And, always one to complicate things, Sonic rushed up beside him with a hop, skip and a jump over the van and car.

He flipped Speed a thumbs up and a grin. The rider did the same (although the grin was hidden behind the visor) and, after Sonic adjusted the goggles he wore over his eyes, they tore off down the empty stretch of road in front of them, unknowingly getting several more curses flung their way from the others.


When the others made it to the parking lot, they were greeted with a rather common sight amongst the pair.

Sonic was on one side, his practically trademark brown jacket hanging from a nearby parking sign, balancing himself as he walked along a narrow, low brick wall and looking quite smug with himself. Every once in a while, he'd pause and do some little trick he had been taught. No one thought that it was ironic that one thing he had come to loathe would be so soothing to do when one was worked up.

Clear across the parking lot, Sam was kneeling beside his bike. He was muttering darkly as he cleaned the parts and glared over his shoulder every now and then at the hedgehog.

It was obvious he had been beaten and was now sulking.

"Hedgehog! Speed!" Captain called to them both. "Get over here! NOW!"

Knowing it was best not to piss off the one who signed their paycheck, Sam stood and skulked over to the large crocodile. Sonic hurried to the end closest to them and vaulted off the wall, flipping over the sign that had his coat and snatching it up before landing.

"Showoff. . ." Sam growled under his breath, earning an elbow to the gut by Topaz.

"Cap's already pissed at both of you. Don't make him any madder."


It had taken over an hour to get everyone organized for the removal. Cap had really let into the hedgehog and human with a vengeance, Roaring his anger towards their disregard for them and everyone else on the road with their stupid races. They knew better than to try and defend themselves.

After all, who wanted to talk back to a crocodile who could easily chomp their head off?

Once Cap felt that they had had their ears chewed off long enough, he huffily set to work getting everyone to their places.

Topaz sighed as she ran a hand through her short burnt orange hair. Chris, the new kid, had been put with her and Sonic and it was like watching two little children. Chris was a good kid and all, but he was a bit too hyper to be doing a job like this.

The blue hedgehog jogged in place. "Come on. . . Let's just go ahead and do it! That way, if the ol' guy decides to call the cops in, we can make a hasty getaway."

"He's got a point, Tope." Chris said, bouncing on his feet.

"You calm down." she growled to the boy. "And you be quiet, hedgehog. We do everything by the book. When Cap says we can move, we move in. Until then. . . "

Pouting, the hedgehog and boy huddled close and started discussing a new book Chris had gotten his mitts on.


The elderly man inside the movable office looked up from his paycheck signings as the door was pounded on.

"No need to knock so hard. Come on in."

The doorknob turned and the room was quickly filled with one very large crocodile and two smaller humans looking in around him. Just being in the room, he made it look smaller.

The human finally looked up after signing the last check. "Ahh, Chief Vector! What brings you here again today?"

Two large claws settled on the desk, just short of shredding the paperwork the human had just finished. A big grin spread across his face. "We got you this time, Gerald."

The human frowned. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Vector. I cleaned up my act and you can't take any more of my animals from me."

The toothy grin widened. "Are you sure about that?"

"If you're implying-"

"I imply nothing, Gerald. I got proof this time. And it was more than enough to convince the DA that he could be taken. "

The human huffed and stood at the table, his large gray mustache twitching in anger. "Show me this so called proof!"

Careful not to shred them, the crocodile pulled out a thick manila envelope and opened it, pouring the contents out onto the table.

Several high-quality, glossy photos cascaded out onto the cheap wooden desk, each one depicting the same thing. Gerald shuffled through them, hoping to find something that would let him keep his star attraction. Something. . . anything. . .

He finally spoke up.

"They look 'shopped."

Vector narrowed his eyes. "And just why would I have someone shop these photos just to hurt you?"

"You heard I was back in town and wanted to take away the OTHER hedgehog in my possession. "Gerald growled back. "And I'm challenging you. I say these aren't real."

"Well. . ."Sam smirked. "What you think doesn't really matter, now does it? Especially since we have a warrant."

The elderly human flustered a bit and stormed up to the red glad human. "How dare you!"

Sam looked down at the finger pushing into his chest and patted it away. "Don't touch me."

While they were busy arguing, Vector pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Take him."


"Take him."

Topaz blinked down at her radio and cleared her throat, trying to grab the attention of the two 'boys' that were currently several feet away, playing a simple game in the dirt with a few rocks and a stick.

They ignored her, playing their little game.

"Well, I guess he can just stay in that cage after all!" she said somewhat loudly.

Two head jerked up and Sonic was suddenly right there in front of her, saluting. "Ready!"

Chris stumbled to his feet. "You mean he finally got permission?"

The human woman waved them on into the back of the tent.

As they moved along inside the tent, weaving through the numerous items stored, a sense of nostalgia filled the blue hedgehog, threatening to engulf him entirely. Steps began to come slower. Breath quickened. The pads on his paws and feet began to sweat, making gloves itchy and socks damp. Fur and quills alike rose along the nape and back. His heart thundered in his flicking ears.

Dilated green eyes caught a glimpse of the cage.

Chris and Topaz had to hang onto their hats as a violent wind ripped through the tent from a certain blue hedgehog beat a hasty departure.

The younger boy looked towards the still flapping tent entrance. "What's up with him?"

The female shrugged and motioned the boy closer. "Look."

Inside the tiny cage, there was a lump under a mass of blankets. A soft rasping noise, like sandpaper against cloth, emanated from it.

Chris moved closer and very gently reached through the bars, grasping the top blanket. He pulled it back slowly, revealing a dark 'deformed' (for a mobian anyways) back foot; its pad covered in old scars and blisters.

The rasping noise stopped and the dark foot withdrew into the blankets as soon as its owner realized it was exposed. Deep and hoarse, a growl emerged.

panicked, the boy pulled his hand out of the cage, taking the blanket with him.

Laying half curled amidst the 'nest' of blankets was the black and red hybrid, blinking in the sudden brightness as the dark cover was removed. A bright pink tongue was half in his lips, showing that he had been 'grooming' somewhere on his person when he was so rudely interrupted.

And, if one looked, it would be very easy to see what he had been trying to wash.

A gold band, far too small to fit on his wrist, was biting deeply into exposed flesh. The fur had long since been worn away in the area from constant chaffing and the edges of the metal were already buried in the skin. It would require surgery to remove it now.

The dark mobian stood on all fours, favoring the 'banded' paw, and growled at the intruders. But this sound wasn't as deep as before-almost as if he was confused. They didn't smell like the humans he normally came in contact with and he knew that only certain ones visited him while he was in his quarters. Perhaps they were new?

The older female approached the cage, speaking softly and trying not to look intimidating. But, as far as he was concerned, she could have been speaking in some other language- he didn't understand a word she was saying.

Wary red eyes watched the human. Ever since he was young, he had learned not to trust anyone other than his Trainer. Everyone else he had come into contact with was very mean to him. Only Trainer wasn't. . .

So, when the humans reached for the handles on his cage to move it, he attacked tooth and claw to keep them from moving him.

The human sighed and stood back up. The walkie talkie was unclipped from her belt and she flipped it back on. "Cap? We got a bit of a problem here. . ."


It was several miles away when Sonic finally managed to slow himself enough to stop. He wasn't sure where he was at (he lad a lousy internal compass) but he knew it was at least one county away from the circus.

All the adrenaline run out of him, leaving him feeling weak and tired. A willow tree nearby became the latest victim to a quilling as the blue one flopped against the base, face hidden in his paws. His entire body trembled with the force he held his tears in with; tears of humiliation.

How could he face his co-workers now, after running out on them like that. It wasn't like he hadn't been on a rescue mission before. He had been a key player in many since he had joined!But. . . This time. . .

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. No, there was no making excuses for this one He knew very well why he ran.

He ran because everything he was seeing was putting him back to the time he was in the same situation. The bright stage lights, currently stored to one side under their protective coverings. The sound of the canvas flapping in the breeze. The faint whistle of wind through the equipment on a cold day. The bright clutter of costumes, haphazardly stored in large crates.

The cold steel cage, too small for any mobian to live in.

Unconsciously, his right paw rose to wrap around his left wrist. As long as that reminder stayed there, he would never be able to forget. . .

He pulled the white glove off and looked down at the near one inch wide scar that ran around his wrist. It didn't stand out much against the peach fur but, if you knew what you were looking for. . .

He turned his arm slowly until he was able to look at the inside of his wrist, where that lasting reminder would always sit until he died. Even more obvious than the slightly darker scar was a small metallic glint. It had been the clasp to his 'shackle' that they used when he had misbehaved. It has been put on him when he was very young and, as he grew, the skin began to grow around it until it was deeply embedded.

Most of it had been removed. But there was a problem when it came to the clasp. Because of its positioning and how deeply it had become embedded, a major muscle for fine motor control to his paw would have to be cut in order to remove it. Sonic had turned down the surgery to remove the offending piece of metal and the doctors decided that, since it wasn't made from a poisonous metal and that he seemed to function just fine with it still there, that it could stay where it was for now.

But they had made Sonic sign a waiver stating that, if anything was to happen, they were not responsible for leaving it in. He also agreed that, if anything happened, he would come to them first to have it checked out.

Blue knees were drawn up to a tan chest and peach arms envloped them. A clammy forehead was set gently in the cradle it made. If you asked him later, he would firmly tell you that the outward trembling was histerical laughter brought on by stress he was trying to hold in.

There was no way he was ever going to admit to crying like a baby in relief from getting away from the situation.


It took him nearly half an hour to straighten himself out enough to feel like he could face the others. He wiped down his face one last time and started on his way back. It took him another half hour to get his bearings and head back where he was supposed to be in the first place.

When he arrived, he thought the place was deserted. He didn't see Sam's bike or the police vehicles. There wasn't a sound outside the the tarp flapping and the birds chirping.

Then he heard it.

It started out low, like the sound of thunder. But it very quickly grew into an angry roar, like a jungle cat from the movies. He folded his ears back, not liking the sound of it at all. . .

Slowly, cautiously, he edged around the tent where the van was backed up to. It's rear doors were wide open and he could see his teammates loading a crate into the back. The dark creature inside was snarling and growling lowly, glaring defiantly at the two large iron rods using to carry it.

The crate was easily settled into the vehicle and the creature roared again, attacking the bars closest. It seemed to be trying to reach out for something. . .

"No! Shadow! No!"

Sonic jumped as the scream came from behind him this time.

A very pretty teenage girl was running towards the van, her blonde curls bouncing and rhinestone outfit shimmering in the evening sun. Azure eyes were full of sparkling tears.

Another man was chasing her, surprisingly fast for his elder years. He was seemingly half dressed, with one shoe on and his coat unbuttoned. His gray mustache was bouncing wildly.

Somehow, he managed to catch up to the girl and grab her by the waist. "Stop, Maria!"

"They can't take my baby! I won't let them!" she sobbed, fighting with all her strength in the elder's grasp.

He didn't yield though. "They have a warrant. I can't do anything right now."

"Do something!" she screamed. "Give me my Shadow back!"

Another sound reached his ears just as the van door was being shut.

It was a wordless scream from the bottom of someone's soul. It ripped though him like a hot knife and made him want to run and hide. It went through his heart like an arrow. It was filled with so much pain and anguish. . . like a dying creature's last cry.

Then it was muffled as the door slipped shut finally.

Chris and Topaz leaned against the double doors and sighed. It had been a long day and-

"Hey look! It's Sonic!"

. . . and it was about to get even longer.

The crocodile stormed up to the hedgehog and yanked one of his ears. "What did you think you were doing, running out like that! Chris and Topaz had to handle that. . .that feral all by themselves!"

"I. . .I'm so-"

"No. You're not! If you were, you wouldnt've left in the first place!"

"Cap. . . please. . . "

"When we get back, you're on strictly on desk jobs now!"

"You can't do that!"

"Don't take that tone with me! I'm the one who signs your checks so yes I can, hedgehog. "

Sonic just looked away, his quills drooping. "Yes sir. . . "

As Vector stormed off to climb into the cab of the van, Sonic dejectedly walked to the police cruiser and climbed into the back seat.

Chris looked worriedly at Topaz. "He looks really bad. . . I wonder what happened. . . "

As everyone else readied to leave, the blue hedgehog curled up in the back seat. It was very unusual for the hedgehog to ride in any vehicle. It told volumes to those who knew him.

Something had happened when he stepped in that tent. They didn't know what on Mobius it could be but one was determined to find out. . .
This story archived at http://www.sonadow.com/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=683