Shadow And Sonic Start A Family by blacksoul

Chapter notes:
^^ What will happen now? MUHAHAHA!
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Sorry.......I'll start now. ^_^'
Sonic continued to push but the pain rose in his body. He screamed as he tried not to loose control.
Shadow was trying not to loose the blood in his hand from the death squeezes Sonic gave him.
"SHADOW!" Sonic screamed. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!"
Shadow gulped. "I know you don't mean that. It's called a "Birth Saying."
Sonic looked at Shadow angerly. "YOU WANNA TRUST THAT THERORY?!?!"

Shadow was silent after that.

Beads of sweat fell from the blue hedgehog's face.
"8....9.....10!" The assisant said. Sonic let go of his breath. When he did so, it sounded more like a painful gasp then letting go of a normal breath.
Blue boy's eyes were shining with pain and gleaming with fear.
"Ready for another go! Come on!" The assistant ordered.
Sonic did so and did another push.

Finally, a small head popped out. Sonic screamed as the baby slowly exited from his body.
"Come on!" Shadow urged. "One more!"
Sonic then did his last push and out came the last baby. The assistant grabbed the small newborn and handed it to the driver.
The driver cleaned it off then set it down with the other baby.

Sonic fell back, panting and sweating. He looked at Shadow and smiled.
"We're done." The ebony hedgehog said.
"I'm glad..." Sonic said weakly.

Sonic's emerald eyes were soon closed and he took his last breath and fell completly back.
"Sonic?" Shadow said.

No reply.

Ruby eyes soon widen. "SONIC!!!" He placed a hand on the peach chest trying to find a heart beat.
He found one but it was faint.
"What happened?" Shadow asked.
"The pain was too intence for him. He either passed out or is in a coma."

Shadow mostly wanted the passed out opinion.
The driver looked at the two hedgehogs then out on the highway.
"I'm gonna try to see if I can get a hold of the hosp-"
"Hello.....Ambulance 24...." The radio said. "Ambulance" The voice was covered with static noises but they could still tell what they were saying. The diver grabbed the mic and replyed, "Ambulance 24 to Base. Tires were flatten and we are 50 miles away."
"We are on 'Busha Highway'. One of the hedgehog's just gave birth and from the looks of it, he is now in a coma."


Shadow looked back at Sonic, whom was still breathing, barely.
"Sending.......over.......seconds....out." The radio then died.
The driver placed the mic back to the holder and looked at his assistant and Shadow.
"They're sendind someone over right now. Maybe they can help your blue friend here."
"I hope so...." Shadow whispered. "I hope we aren't too late....."

MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love making you guys suffer. *Gets hit by a brick* X_X
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Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

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