[Reviews - 69] Printer

Summary: Shadow was doing pretty good at getting used to the whole 'quiet life' concept. Leave it to fate to pull the rug from under his feet. When a dark star looms on the horizon and threatens all he's ever known, just how far will Shadow go to protect his world? Or will he simply choose to do nothing at all?
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Sonic x Shadow
Genres: Adventure, Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood, Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: Verisimilitude
Chapter: 6 Completed: No
Words: 27141 Read: 73543
Published: April 01, 2006 Updated: July 09, 2007

1. Prologue: Glimpse of a Flashback by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 54] (638 words)
Kiraa: Hi all, you don’t know me but hopefully you will come to like my writing soon enough. This here’s my first jump into the fanfic business, thus my first sonadow, but rest assured it is NOT my first ever venture into writing prose. I decided to write this fic in response to the challenge on the main page and to take away what little free time I still have left. I’m just masochistic like that.

And just because this is my first attempt at fanfiction please do not go easy on me. I’m a big boy and can take some harsh criticism and reviews work better then any of my ‘happy pills’. Flames however will be sent to Old Lucifer since I heard he’s got some sort of collection hobby for those things.

As for the story itself it’s loosely based on the Sonic Adventure games and Sonic X….extremely loosely. Some thing are the same, some are VERY different. Also note that italicized dialogue signifies a character speaking in a different language. This is something I took from the original Japanese versions of Sonic X, in which sonic randomly says things in English. I kind of took that idea and played with it so whenever Sonic says something like “Of course!” note the italics and that none of the characters, except for Knuckles and Tails know what he’s actually saying. Knuckles knows because he’s familiar with the language, Tail’s just because he’s been around Sonic so long he can get the basic gist of the meaning.

Happy reading!
2. Chapter 1: Cries in the Night by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 3] (3415 words)
Keiji: ARGHFBL!! Why did this thing take so long? Well y’all can blame Kiraa for this one. He had it finished weeks ago but forgot to tell me so and that it needed to be put up. His original author’s notes below. Pff.

Kiraa: Yo! First chap, and this is not how I planned to start it. Knuckles wasn’t supposed to show up yet! Meh, also a slight change in plans for the little pre-chapter things. I think I’ll cover some setting material for the story that you otherwise wouldn’t know before turning to actual story material. Also, change in titles, now the whole series is called Verisimilitude.

I’m taking custom char’s from people for waaaaaaay in the future of the story. Right now I need a girl fox to get along real well with Tails, if you follow what I’m saying. And a bat, of any gender, to pair up with Rouge. E-mail the profiles to if you’re interested.
3. Chapter 2: Dreams of Disaster by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 5] (7316 words)
Kiraa: ‘Lo folks. Some people asked for longer chapters. How’s this? It’s all Shadow in this chapter, but that’ll change by the next one. Yup, Sonic finally makes a proper appearance in chapter 3.

4. Chapter 3: Plague and Madness by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 2] (6327 words)
Kiraa: Yay, finally the ball starts rolling. Hrm…who told Robotnik where Shadow was, that’s a pretty good question. You’ll find out by the end of the story. When did Robotnik get Chaos…well one assumes that it occurred when he destroyed the Master Emerald, but you all know what they say about assuming things.

Yeah, Shadow has some messed up dreams, it only gets weirder in this chapter folks. Yup, this chapter is dedicated to the utter delusion and insanity of Shadow’s brain though for good reason.

And look! It’s Sonic!

On a separate note. WHS really does exist. Sure I ‘added’ to it to make it big and menacing in the Sonic-verse, but to find out about the real WHS just look up hedgehogs in Wikipedia.
5. Chapter 4: Chaos Match by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 2] (4611 words)
Kiraa: This chapter was a pain to write. It was just awkward in general while the other two went down on paper smoothly. Oh well, can’t win ‘em all.

*hums* Why do hedgehogs need rings and what are rings really? Well…it’s a looooooong story, that will eventually be told. If somebody can catch Sonic and tie him down long enough to do the telling. *prods Shadow*

I knew it would come though. Somebody dropped a review asking why I made Shadow so weak. Well, I kinda did and didn't. Don't worry though, Shadow will get his glory, just not right now.

On a separate note, I swear that the new 'Sonic the Hedgehog' game ate my ideas. I started plotting this story a while back, and now along comes this game that has a monster eerily JUST like a monster I invented specifically for this story. Che, they say there's no such thing as an original thought in this world, guess their right. Either way it kind of works for me, an easy way to start tying THAT game into my little Alternate Universe here. *cue ebil laughter*
6. Chapter 5: Enemy Victory by Geriboa Constrictor [Reviews - 3] (4834 words)
Keiji: This is being written while a tornado rages outside.
Kiraa: Well, I don't know if you can call it tornado. Swirling, gusting, winds with hail, yes; tornado...not so sure.
Keiji: Point being..that the powers out. No power means no Internet, so I have nothing better to do with my laptop time besides write.
Kiraa: On a completely separate note, we just found out that Shadow's Japanese VA, also does to voice of Ichimaru Gin in Bleach. If you ask me, that's a huge can of cool beans!
Keiji: Meh, still don't like the guy. I'm not much of a 'bad guy' lover.

Anywhoo, this chapter has given me a question I need to ask you. Should I, or should I not, use Japanese honorifics. For the most part I'm asking because there were many times in this chapter I wanted to add 'san' to the characters names to show the level or respect other characters have for them. But I refrained from doing so since I don't use any other Japanese in the story. But I still think it would sound better and more true to the characters if I added it in. So what do you all think. READER OPINION TIME! Drop your thoughts in a review.

Kiraa: As a final note, we thought that in this chapter we would finally make it back to mentioning the Black Arms and what their up to, unfortunately Chaos wanted to play some more, and Shadow demanded that we be fair and beat on Sonic a bit. So this chapter was extended in length and the Black Arms stuff will occur in the next Chapter. See ya there folks!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, or any of the other character from this franchise. They belong to Sega and the people that created them. This is a work of fan-written fiction by Stari Zmaj studios and is in no way being used to make monetary profits.

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

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