[Reviews - 89] half-starPrinter

Summary: Following the defeat of the Black Arms, everyone just wants to get their lives back to normal. Unfortunately, there are old grudges to be settled and new plans are put into action. Everyone seems to be hiding their true intentions. New threats sprout up all over the place. Suddenly the war against the Black Arms seems like a happy memory. At least Sonic and co. knew who was on who's side. Now they can't trust anyone.

Genres and warnings are meant for the entire, completed story. It starts out G then gets rather gory as you progress. *smirk*
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Blood, Swearing
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 16 Completed: No
Words: 34914 Read: 104214
Published: March 06, 2006 Updated: November 13, 2007

1. Prologue: Èstyröd and Atrêcé by Necros [Reviews - 30] starstarstar (800 words)
Note from the author: Apologies for the lack of Sonic characters actually in the prologue, but a few things needed to be established. Sonic and Shadow feature in the next chapter, so don't worry! This is meant to be for the challenge on the home page, so be warned, you won't see any significant sonadowness for a few chapters yet. (it has to develop slowly) Other than that enjoy! (you may skip this if you find it uninteresting. These two bugger off after the prologue, so be kind enough to them in their moment in the spotlight).
2. Chapter 1: Necros, Sonic, Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 1] (2219 words)
Finally you can now focus on the characters you know and love. I've included Necros' side of the story in just this once to see if it's permissable. If not, no big deal, he wasn't going to have much more than this introduction. Please note that he is my character and as he's in a novel I'm about to publish, actually legally copyrighted. So no stealing (not that you'd want to)And don't worry, this plot is actually going somewhere.

Please also feel free to criticize, I realize I'm not exactly Shakespeare, or whatever you feel the writing equivalent is. That means leave reviews. I'd appreciate even negative feedback, if only to tell me how to improve.
3. Chapter 2: Sonic by Necros [Reviews - 0] (2206 words)
Here's the next installment, from Sonic's side of the story. If you hadn't guessed already, first person narrative is only used when Necros is telling the story, so don't get confused by the fact it's all in third person. Also I finally figured how to work html out properly so the italics and such are all present in each chapter. I know the prologue in particular was confusing without them, so go back and read it if it was puzzling you. And I'd also appreciate it if you reviewed. Honestly, I'm sitting here not knowing whether anyone is actually enjoying this or whether you're all waiting for me with tar and feathers. Other than that, enjoy.
4. Chapter 3: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 5] (1766 words)
Sorry about the immense delay, it was due to a combination of laziness, staggering amounts of other work to do (I swear I had no summer vacate whatsoever. Curse school.) and presumed minimal interest in my story.

Yes. That sounds good enough.

Anyway, I'd like to go on record by saying that I was not high when I wrote this, nor am I being random. This does actually have plot significance. I apologize for it being crap in places, but I had to get it done or go crazy. Enjoy! Oh and review too.
5. Chapter 4: Necros by Necros [Reviews - 1] (1610 words)
Another delay, I know. You can't even begin to imagine the amount of work I have to do. Luckily it'll all be over by Easter (I hope).

Anyway, new chapter and a continuation of where Chapter 2 left off. You get to learn (implicitly) just a bit more about the enigmatic Necros. As a heads up, the next chapter will jump to yet another scene. I'm trying not to lose you. But don't worry, you'll be seeing some characters you know and love (i.e. Sega owns them, not me.)

Enjoy and review!
6. Chapter 5: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 0] (2596 words)
Wow, a fairly fast update, not to mention a long chapter. There must be something wrong with me.

Anyway just want to highlight that though this chapter features Rouge and the Commander heavily, it still labelled as "Shadow" because it concerns him the most. If you haven't already guessed, chapters only are named after the three main characters: Sonic, Shadow, and Necros.

Also the reference to the quote made during the Expert Mode of Shadow the Hedgehog game by the Commander is slightly inaccurate, he invited Shadow to his grandaughter's, not daughter's party. However, that doesn't exactly fly with my plotline so I changed it. There, that got rid of any nitpickers (hopefully).

As always enjoy it, I know it's a bit longer than the last few chapters, but hopefully it's not too boring. And please review as well.
7. Chapter 6: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 3] (2421 words)
Man, another chapter in the space of a day! What can I tell you, I've got some free time. Be sure to read the previous chapter, I added it at a time when everyone else added theirs, hence you may have missed it.

I'd also like to go on record by saying that html tags are the most annoying things in the world.

Anyway, the characters and storylines are finally beginning to come together and Sonic and Shadow have their first interaction in the story. Boy do they have a looong way to go! Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you reviewed these last two chapters, I think I threw one too many cliches into the last one (and probably this one). Enjoy!
8. Chapter 7: Sonic by Necros [Reviews - 0] (1245 words)
Sorry for the relatively long delay, but I simply had no time to write because I was playing Sega Megadr-er-I mean doing coursework. Yes. That's right.

To make it up to you, I have not one, but TWO chapters to upload today. It was going to be one, but then I noticed the word count, so it's been split roughly in the middle.

In this chapter Sonic searches for the elusive Necros, and gets a friendly little warning from Rouge, which he of course ignores. Unfortunately for Rouge, Necros isn't as far away as they think...

Review both of them please. I personally perfer the latter one, but this one has its merits.
9. Chapter 8: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 2] (1894 words)
Sorry for the relatively long delay, but I simply had no time to write because I was playing Sega Megadr-er-I mean doing coursework. Yes. That's right.

To make it up to you, I have not one, but TWO chapters to upload today. It was going to be one, but then I noticed the word count, so it's been split roughly in the middle.

In this chapter (the later one so be sure you've read the previous one) Necros pushes aside a moral dilemma, Shadow has an emo moment and we see the possibility of something other than hatred between the two hedgehogs. The swearing also goes up slightly, but I'm sure there's nothing you haven't heard before.

Review this one as well please, I'd like to know how I handled an actual SonicxShadow interaction (as in conversation you filthy minded little...) that lasts for more than four lines.

Also while I'm up on this podium with nothing anyone can do to stop me, I'd like to take this opportunity to cut down all of those people out there who complain that Shadow is, and I quote, "@n 3m0 f@g, l01z!"

First of all, Shadow is NOT an emo. He has not attempted suicide (although that one ending with Vector was questionable) nor does he wear incredibly tight pants, have greasy cascading hair or practice self mutilation. He doesn't even whine all that often. Just because he's black and red (which are awesome colours, though I prefer purple to red. Oh god, now I'm going to have to go after Mephiles -_-')does not mean that he's an emo or a goth, even.

Secondly, even if he WAS an emo I can't think of anyone who deserves more to constantly rant about the world being against them. I mean come on, the world IS against him! Plus, I don't think you qualify as an actual emo if your angst is real.

Whew. Had to get that off my chest. Anyway enjoy this chapter, emo-Shadowers and non emo-Shadowers alike.
10. Chapter 9: Sonic by Necros [Reviews - 0] (1708 words)
No, I'm not dead, just swamped with work. I had this chapter ready a while ago, but I've somehow developed this habit of not updating until I've written two chapters *shrug* I'll release the next one in a week or so owing to the fact that I have this mortal fear that people skip chapters when I post two at a time.

Anyway, apologies for the super slow pace, I have a tendency to do that. Hopefully this isn't too boring or cliched. I've introduced a new and familiar player onto the scene (and there will be more of them, trust me) so enjoy.
11. Chapter 10: Necros by Necros [Reviews - 0] (2682 words)
And I've reached double digits (if you don't include the prologue) at last! Unfortunately, instead of getting more Sonadowness or plot advancement, you're going to get Necros being his usual interfering self and hogging an entire chapter to have something of a conversation with Shadow. I think it's an interesting one, but then I wrote it, so I'm obviously biased. If you pay attention, you might pick up a few odd things about Necros (if you hadn't already, that is). And I promise I'll pull Shadow out of his funk soon.

Apologies for the philosophising and the didactic tone and the cliches. I get a bit carried away sometimes in making obvious points. Your criticism is, as always, appreciated (i.e. leave a review, please! I always try and respond).
12. Chapter 11: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 1] (2284 words)
Sorry for the delay, especially since this chapter's just been sitting on my hard drive. I would've posted it earlier, but with my other commitments I sort of just forgot.

Anyway, I've pulled my characteristic "switch back and forth between settings just to make sure you're paying attention" move. This chapter contains a narrowly avoided disaster, binge eating, and what you should say to Shadow if you want a swift and violent death. Apologies for the rather rude display by both hedgehogs at the very end, but I wanted to mix things up a little. You'll definitely see the consequences in the next chapter. *smirk*

Therefore enjoy and review! I'm quite happy to take suggestions should you feel that I'm on the road to ruin with this story.
13. Chapter 12: Sonic by Necros [Reviews - 18] (2845 words)
Sorry for the delay, it was absolute hell writing this chapter. I felt that relationship development was in order, but was unsure of how far I would actually be able to do so in one chapter.

Anyway, I know that some things don't make sense (Shadow's 'stained' hands: he wears gloves all the time) and the writing quality is generally poor (this is actually my first attempt at anything like "romance") but I hope you all enjoy my attempt at further introducing the Sonadow factor into the story, which has been noticeably lacking in previous chapters. Hope you also catch the (sorta) next-gen reference. Please review and let me know if you think I'm going the right way about this, or if you just want me to stop messing around and hurry up already.

Oh and sorry about the angst. I never could resist angst. Or an ominous final note. Heh heh.
14. Chapter 13: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 12] (2765 words)
Sorry about the late update, things have been hectic with college and all that, plus I got a new computer which needed to be upgraded and have all my files transfered onto it before I could keep writing.

So here you get one side of the "too bad what happened next" note from the last chapter. What's really going on will be explained in the next chapter when you see it from G.U.N.'s and Necros' perspective, Necros of course finally revealing some of qualities.

I apologize for the abrupt, crappy ending of the Shadow, Sonic, Tails scene, but I realized this chapter was getting much too long for me to continue to where I wanted it to go. Plus I really wanted to finish it and move on. Please leave advice as to how to improve that, if you feel the same way.

Otherwise enjoy and leave a review.
15. Chapter 14: Necros by Necros [Reviews - 9] (2580 words)
I seriously considered calling this chapter "the march of the sadists." Honestly, it's like everybody in this is getting off on inflicting pain onto another person. What, you thought Necros was a sweet and innocent character? Shame on you.

Anyway, you know the drill, read it, review if you like it, hate it, don't understand it, or want to improve my poor quality writing. Especially review if you want me to update. I find it very hard to be motivated to write the next chapter if I get zero reviews.
16. Chapter 15: Shadow by Necros [Reviews - 7] half-star (3293 words)
Yeah it's been a while. Been trying to figure out the pattern of updating so that way when I update I don't immediately have five stories updated over mine. And I've had loads of work. And I've been working almost nonstop on an rp with Sonadowluver93 (yes, I rp as well). To give you an idea how much, it's currently 456 pages long. Granted, it's still script form, but was funny when Word stopped underlining spelling errors cause there were too many.

Anyway, back to THIS story. I have decided, since everyone else seems to do it, to impose a quota of reviews. If I do not receive at least two reviews on a chapter from two different people then I won't update even if the next chapter is written. Sorry to be rude about it, but it irks me how some stories that are less than a quarter the length of mine have nearly four times as many reviews. I don't care if you love or hate it, but I do care whether you tell me or not. So please leave some reviews people.

Something that should encourage you is the fact that there is some significant Sonadow moments as well as plot points all in one chapter. Another SEGA character makes his debut. There are attempts at humor, suspense, and dramatic tension. So, what are you waiting for? Get reading and reviewing!

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

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