[Reviews - 66] starstarhalf-starPrinter

Summary: Sonic, Shadow and friends venture forth into a time altered Robotropolis to discover more about their new world, make friends, and learn secrets. Shadow also works on building his friendship with Sonic. Feature
Rating: PG - Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic
Genres: Adventure
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 4 Completed: No
Words: 7706 Read: 12940
Published: July 28, 2017 Updated: August 12, 2017

1. Chapter 1 by Shadow [Reviews - 11] starstarhalf-star (1840 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Shadow [Reviews - 45] (1933 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Shadow [Reviews - 9] (2055 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Shadow [Reviews - 1] (1878 words)

Sonic and Shadow (c) and TM SEGA - Sonic Team

Sonadow Online