Summary: Shadow is living with an evil stepfamily, Sonic is a prince forced to look for a bride, the ball is approaching and having three crazed fairy godmothers doesn´t make things any easier…
It´s Cinderella – Sonadow style!
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Romance/FluffWarnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: Fairy Tales - Sonadow Style
Chapter: 10
Completed: Yes
Words: 28367
Read: 519202
Published: October 18, 2007
Updated: July 11, 2009
1. Not your average Princess by
Taranea [
Reviews -
(1247 words)
Well, here we go. Fairy tales should definitely contain more shounen-ai, if you ask me, so here I am, correcting that mistake.^^ I´d love to hear your reactions to this - I´m still working on this story, so reviews can still change things! :)
2. Not your average Prince by
Taranea [
Reviews -
(2306 words)
No, this story is NOT dead and WILL be finished!
Now watch as poor Shadow will have to sort out not-quite-lenthills, the good ones from the bad ones...
Review please? :3
3. Fairywhat Now?! by
Taranea [
Reviews -
18] (2030 words)
Well, the new chappie is here and I hope you all will like it! Feedback is *majorly* appreciated. :D Now for the third chapter, where Shadow gets helped with his chores by all the little friendly animals, Fairy dust flies around and Prince Sonic continues to be highly confused...
4. It's A Kind of Magic... by
Taranea [
Reviews -
19] (2327 words)
Here we are, with a fresh fourth chapter! I'm really happy about all those reviews - notice how fast I updated this time? :D Don't blame me for the contents of this one, I was listening to the salagadoola song on 'repeat' while typing this the entire time...
5. Clothes Make The...Man? by
Taranea [
Reviews -
24] (2361 words)
Here we go! A huge thank you to all of my reviewers in the form of one extra-quick update, even if I'm currently stuck in finals. Please enjoy! :D
6. Four Couples and Almost a Catastrophe by
Taranea [
Reviews -
(3469 words)
Here we go! New chappie in this fairy tale of romantic comedy - hope you like!^^
7. Dirty Dancing by
Taranea [
Reviews -
19] (4603 words)
Okay, latest chapter! First actual, real Sonadow and first, uhm, sensual stuff. Please tell me what you thought of it later, it's my first time I write romance!^^
8. Halali! Hoverskate Hunt of Destiny! by
Taranea [
Reviews -
12] (3394 words)
Hi there and welcome to the eighth part of Once Upon A Time! I'm sorry for the lag in updates, but I got such an insane amount of reviews in the last few days for this that it gave me the burst I needed to finish this latest chappie - thanks a lot! Please enjoy! :D
9. Battle Royale! by
Taranea [
Reviews -
(2648 words)
I am writing too much fanfic for my own good. But not that YOU'D care, huh? XD So, the long awaited ninth chapter of...
10. Of Books And Spells Of Love by
Taranea [
Reviews -
(3982 words)