Summary: Just and idea I had, I've seen fics where they're human, nomal and humal... well... here they can choose their forms!
Real Summery: Shadow has felt empty since he was awakened… He has to go far to find out why; it will take a long time for him to find out exactly what is missing and even longer to realize that it’s been right under his nose the whole time…
Rating: G - Clean
Category: Sonadow
Characters: Shadow x Sonic
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 4
Completed: No
Words: 6111
Read: 30848
Published: July 04, 2007
Updated: July 14, 2007
1. Prologue: Something’s Missing by
Eternal Hedgehog [
Reviews -
5] (1898 words)
Disclaimer: I don't own them, as always...
Please enjoy this new fic and revieew.
2. Chapter One: Sonic by
Eternal Hedgehog [
Reviews -
0] (1070 words)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
3. Chapter Two: Trouble with a Capital ‘T’ by
Eternal Hedgehog [
Reviews -
1] (1914 words)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
4. Chapter Three: They Meet by
Eternal Hedgehog [
Reviews -
(1229 words)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
I've decided that I wanted to try a different approach with Ivo... I hope it's ok...