Summary: An adventure of a life time. The first two Sonic Adventure games now a Fanfiction. All your favorite characters, including SonicxShadow. What more could you want?
Rating: PG13 - Mildly Suggestive
Category: Sonadow
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure,
Romance/FluffWarnings: Blood,
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1
Completed: No
Words: 4892
Read: 3075
Published: July 18, 2007
Updated: July 18, 2007
1. Chapter One by
InYerFace [
Reviews -
8] (4892 words)
InYerFace here. And would just like to say, "Hi" and "Hello" to all the people who worship the two cute hedgehog couple of Sonic and Shadow. This story does start out slow because there's lots of information (that most of you probably know already), but I wanted to try something knew. And an adventure story just struck my mind. So, thank you and enjoy.